Thursday, September 20, 2012

documenting life

so. i use instagram a lot.
like a wholllllle lot.

and ive been hoping & wishing that there would be a way// an easy way// to instantly post my pics from there onto my blog. but there is not. at least not on my ig.

so.... my solution. create a tumblr blog.
so. i did. and it will just document my life in pictures.
at least everytime i use instagram it will.
so here goes.
follow it if you want.
there will be way more pics there than i post to facebook--- in case you don't have instagram.

i also may throw up a quote occasionally
the blogging--- what little i do.... will remain here.

ok enjoy.

life according to instagram

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


nope. not pregnant. 
got my first work schedule. 
like work. 
as a FNP. 

im not even certified yet... that comes soon. 
but i start work in october. 

looking at my name on that schedule and knowing that people's health is in MY hands--- totally makes me nauseous. anxious. scared to death. 

ok. back to studying. 
as i try not to puke. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


this past week i had a very special and unique opportunity. 
i was the 'nurse' at camp barnabus- a camp for special needs adults in the western north carolina umc conference. 

it was a fun, challenging, exhausting experience that i am so grateful i was able to participate in. 
i want to write more about my experience and things i learned and took away- but for now...

feel the love. 
lots of love- for Jesus & each other & well everyone.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


my blog is the perfect distraction for when i need to study. 
or do the laundry. 
or take a shower. 
or clean house. 

i have spent the last 4 days at a camp for special needs adults. 
it was pretty awesome. 
i had a lot of incredible experiences that i want to share. 
but not right now. 
they are still settling in my mind. 

for now... im going to study. 
boards are soon. really soon. 
i start work. 

exciting times in the life of the sniders. 
until then.... 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The ultimate photo dump....

Self explanatory. Ps. I'll be back to blogging soon. Promise.