Sunday, July 10, 2011

covered dish--

today was our first sunday in our new church home. 
it was wonderful. 

we were given a quilt. 
a handmade QUILT. that just so happens to match our bedroom. 
yes. they planned it. 
its gorgeous. 

we had a wonderful church service. 
ryan did an amazing job. 
i loved his sermon--
and am pretty sure the church did also. 

it was a full house today :) 
we are hoping to keep it that way too!!

after church we had our first 'covered dish' luncheon. 
you know. the kind where everyone brings something-- and you pig out. 
and you always wonder-- is this enough food?!?! 
but it always is. 

today i saw something i haven't seen before. it made me smile. 
i even went back upstairs to get my phone to try and sneak a picture.
i got it. too.

any guesses?!?!? 

i'll leave it up in the air for a while. 
let you guys guess--- i'll fill ya in on what it is later. 

maybe its an easy guess. 
maybe not. 

hahaaaa. oh it made me smile.

vbs started tonight-- i think i heard the word "you'ns" 343 times. really. 
also makes me smile. it was a fun night. a fun day really. 
lonnnng day though. 
we met so many people and are so excited to get going!


Robin said...

I am so excited for you guys! I have lived in several places-----some say "y'uns", some say "you guys", and some say "y'all". "You'uns" will work too! Glad you had a good first Sunday! Love, Mama Robin

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