Monday, February 13, 2012

residency. school. life.

im in my final academic semester of school.
i can't tell you how awesome that is.
im so excited to be a fnp. reallly excited.
and i feel ready. i suppose thats thanks to my school.
and my rotations.
anyway. this semester- being the last and all- is so freaking hard.
which is probably a good thing.
i literally spend 8 hours a day doing either clinicals or school work.
anyway. today i turned in my application for my residency!
my last final rotation of np school.
i graduate in may- but im officially done in august after my residency.
400 hours of working as an NP- without the pay.
in fact.
I PAY THE SCHOOL! for working for an office.
anyway. i requested this one site.
and i really want it.
reallllllllly badly.
say a quick prayer that i will get it.
if i do get it it will most likely lead to a def job.
and one that i really want.
we shall see what happens.
but really- if you are 'stuck' somewhere for 400 hours- might as well be an awesome place that you like and want to be!

well. anyway. this sums up my life these days.
school. lots and lots of school.
oh. and loosing my puppy. but thats another story. for when i have more time.
we found him. don't worry.

snow in the forecast for tonight.
have i mentioned lately how much i love the mountains?!? i do. i love it here.

love. peace. and more love.


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